Sunday, July 22, 2007


By Jackie Wesley

Time, and what we do with it, can help us through our grief; it can also be a hindrance in our lives. We hope in due time that we will be healed enough to function again and to enjoy our lives somewhat as we did before our child died.

But it’s the today time I’d like to address. What do we do with the time we have now? Are we giving enough to our families and friends?

Are we staying too busy to enjoy the children, the spouses and the siblings and friends who are still living? I know when we are grieving, it’s easy to feel “it’s only me” who is hurting, but grief affects everyone, especially those who are close to us. We must not draw away from the people who are so special in our lives. Don’t let time become a four letter word to those around you.

Listen to yourself when you say “I don’t have time to do that;” “I don’t have time to listen now;” “I don’t have time to go there with you;” “I don’t have time for you.”

After a while it’s almost like hearing “I don’t want to take the time for such things or for you,” and that is very hurtful to anyone who hears it.

It not only hurts feelings but it can drive the loved ones away from you. That’s the last thing anyone in grief needs. We need our spouses, our children and siblings and our friends at our sides and in our lives. We do not want to someday say “I wish I had taken the time…”

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